


As education institutions aim to become more flexible to meet modern demands, teachers will continue operating under hybrid learning models making the need for disruption-free virtual lessons and network access all the more critical. To best accommodate these needs, investing in a flexible IT infrastructure that can support remote-learning, especially as our country undergoes one of the most pivotal time periods in history, will be an important factor.

Due to declining enrollment rates and increasing costs driven by COVID, schools are facing tight budget restrictions for the 2021-2022 academic year. Knowing this, IT departments should look toward cost-effective solutions that will support their remote workforce and students. A hybrid and multi cloud environment, built on hyper converged infrastructure (HCI), is a proven model. It allows organizations to benefit from lower costs and the increased security of private cloud, for predictable workloads, while giving the flexibility to burst onto public cloud resources as needed. This allows institutions to more closely monitor IT infrastructure spending while gaining the flexibility necessary to quickly adapt.