Security Surveillances

Security Surveillances

Security Surveillances

Video Surveillance or CCTV System has to be provided mainly for security purposes. Adequate units of cameras should be installed to cover all areas of the Data Centre and premise surveillance. All these cameras should be coupled with motion sensors so that cameras can start recording only when they detect movement in the corresponding area. All the data should be recorded in digital format onto hard disk/Tapes for future investigation. There should be a central monitoring room to monitor the movement in the Data Centre & premises

Power: Data centres need to deliver clean, reliable power to keep equipment running around the clock. A data centre  will have multiple power circuits for redundancy and high availability, providing a backup through Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) batteries and diesel generators.

Cooling Systems: Electronic equipments  are generate heat, which, if not mitigated, can cause damage to the equipment. So data centres are designed to draw heat away while providing cool air to eliminate overheating equipment.

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